Saturday, December 31, 2011

Setting Goals for 2012!

If you want to achieve something in life, set goals. Your desire to aim something is not difficult to achieve if you set your goals  and focus on the things that you really want.

Your goals must be S.M.A.R.T

T-Time Sensitive

1. Specific- Goals should be specific. Specific goals will motivate a person to take action.
General Goal: I want to lose weight.
Specific Goal: I want to lose 10 lbs.

2.Measurable-  You  must have a target and measure your progress. To know whether your goals are measurable or not ask the questions how much or how many. I want to spend quality time with my family is not measurable, I want to spend 5 hours a week to bond with my family is measurable.

3. Attainable- You must set goals that you can attain. I will be rich in 5 months is not attainable but setting goal to become rich in 10 years is attainable.

4. Relevant- Your goal must be important to you, it must fit your purpose in life. By the end of the year I want to become a millionaire and enjoy my money in luxury is not relevant. By the end of the year I want to become millionaire and create an income generating project is relevant.

5. Time Sensitive- You must have a time frame to achieve your goals. You'll end up failing without time elements on your goals. I am going to exercise is not a time sensitive goal. I am going to exercise by 7:00 AM tommorow.

If you follow the SMART step in setting your goals, I'm sure it's easy for you to achieve success. Don't forget write your goals on your notebook or index card. Happy New Year!

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